Will Potter Ihmis- ja eläinoikeus journalisti Will Potter
Support Stop Excision Healthy Tomorrow - Sini Sanuman in the Bambara language - is a Massachusetts-based humanitarian organization dedicated to eradicating female genital cutting through their signature campaign, the Pledge Against Excision, combining education, media awareness, music and community mobilization.
Taylor Report The Taylor Report is a radio progam on the University of Toronto radio station CIUT 89.5FM. On the program they cover current events, politics, human rights, peace and labour, and stories and individuals that are not widely heard.
Danish Peace Academy There is no formal peace education in Denmark. As there at the present are only few members of the Danish peace organizations, the Internet is the best way to communicate peace education.
Greg Palast Progressive investigative journalist breaks news the establishment doesn't want you to hear. Veganica Healthy vegan-friendly news and art.
WW3 Report The World War 3 Report is an Independent, Vigilant Sentry of Truth in the War on Terror
BMF Bruno- Manser-Fund (BMF), association for the peoples of the rain forest, is an environmental and human rights organization with its headquarters in Basel. Its aim is to support the Penan people in Sarawak (East Malaysia) as well as other indigenous peoples in their fight to protect tropical rainforests from destruction. Special emphasis is put on informing consumers in the west about tropical wood and illegal logging practices.
Nuke Busters a grassroots, volunteer organization concerned with environmental pollution and health issues surrounding exposure to toxins.The scientific community and the nuclear industry have undermined citizen's confidence in their ability to understand atomic power and its effects. CAN seeks to demystify these issues, with the goal of enabling citizens to reclaim democratic control over their environment and develop strategies for the prevention and elimination of pollution.
American Feed Magazine A current events magazine with commentary, news, poetry, fiction, comics and satire.
Follow the Bills!Thousands of resources on the American Legislative Exchange Council are part of the Sourcewatch wiki. In ALEC's own words, corporations have "VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. Important resources:
Follow the Studies! The State Policy Network is a web of right-wing “think tanks” and nonprofits that publishes corporate-backed research to promote the ALEC/Koch agenda in state houses nationwide.Important Resources:
Follow the Money! The Center for Media and Democracy brings you this unique wiki resource on the billionaire industrialists and the power and influence of the Koch cadre and Koch cash. Feature Resources:
CoalSwarm is a shared information tool on issues such as coal plants, mines, companies, environmental impacts, clean alternatives, regulation, grassroots organizing, industry lobbying, and much more.
FrackSwarm is a shared information tool on fracking issues (hydraulic fracturing or hydrofracking), mining operations, companies, environmental impacts, clean alternatives, regulation, grassroots organizing, industry lobbying, and much more.
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